Councils given till 5pm Friday

2nd August 2007Peter Beattie’s arrogance on forced amalgamations was openly displayed
in his government’s email* giving just four days for councils to advise
on divisions and suggest alternate names for merged councils.

Queensland Coalition Leader Jeff Seeney said the letter from (Minister)
Andrew Fraser gave councils till 5pm Friday to advise whether their
merged councils should have divisions (wards) and suggest alternates to
the merged council names in the government’s report,” Mr Seeney said.

“There’s no consultation, just a deadline ….the level of arrogance is
extreme ….even by Peter Beattie’s extreme standards. The whole process
has turned into a farce,” Mr Seeney said.

“Councils have been given four days to decide on a name and how they
want to stand as representatives in the merged councils, either with Mr
Beattie’s preferred option on undivided areas or in divisions or wards.

“Mayors and councillors have to drop what they’re doing and prepare
joint-submissions with their merger partner councils and get it in by
Friday, just to please Mr Beattie.

“It’s policy on the run so the Beattie government can rush through
boundary changes in State Parliament next week.

“It’s about running a political knife through Queensland’s heart ….it
has absolutely nothing to do with securing local government’s future.

“Forced amalgamations are not the panacea as claimed by the Premier and
parroted ad nauseam by his Minister.

“Huge financial problems persist in other Australian states where forced
amalgamations have been undertaken.

“Labor will be remembered for this arrogant, baseless and grubby attack
on Queensland local government.”

Media Contact – Jeff Popp 0438 153 857

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