Members News Letter

12th September 2005

Dear Property Rights Australia Member,

Once more I call on you to stand up and be counted in your own interests and the interests of your mates and fellow Queensland landholders.

The full Queensland Parliament is to sit in Rockhampton at the Pilbeam Theatre in the first week of October. Attached is a flyer inviting all along to “The Rocky Rally” on Thursday, 6th October. The march leaves Toonooba Park at 12.30pm, so we would like to encourage all to assemble from 11.30am to meet your mates and be given a few clues on what is to happen at the Pilbeam Theatre. The route for the march goes through the main part of the city and along the river, past the heritage buildings.

Beattie has been coping a fair hammering and deservedly so. The State is in a mess due to Government mismanagement. So far no give to the rural sector, in fact the reverse, with the money grab on water charges. Beattie said in Charleville in February on vegetation management “there will be no changes”. Maybe there will be a big change, that is – a change of Government.

P.R.A. does not support any political party, credit is given when and where it is deserved. Criticism is given when necessary which seems to be the case at all times with the current Government.

I am asking you to give your time as well as your travel costs. I do so in the strong belief that P.R.A. needs to continue placing pressure on the Government at this time. We need a very strong turnout of people and to demonstrate by word and actions that we have had a gut-full of being singled out to bear the load for all in the so called environmental cause. Science has been ignores, common sense does not exist with the legislation on vegetation and water matters.

The implementation of the legislation is performed with bully-boy tactics. Should cases go to court one wonders at the outcomes and shudders at the costs.

Enough is enough; we must continue and in fact strengthen our opposition to the cap placed on development of our industry. No city based business sector would put up with this nonsense. Why should primary production such as grazing, farming, timber, fishermen, bee-keepers, horsemen etc carry the load.

Come to Rockhampton, let all and sundry know how we feel.

Best wishes to all,

John Purcell
Chairman Property Rights Australia

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