Members’ Newsletter 28th July 2016

28th July 2016

Dear Members

Comment on Self Assessable Thinning Code

All of our members are deeply interested in vegetation managements and as well as submissions by PRA and members to the Vegetation Management (Reinstatement) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill there was a good turnout at all the parliamentary hearings.

Our job is not finished.  Timeframes are tight with comment due by Aug 2.

The Department is now calling for feedback on various codes and the present one is the Vegetation thinning code.  Be aware that in the near future there will be a similar procedure for the code for use of Mulga for stock feeding.  Please keep a careful eye out for that one.

PRA will make appropriate feedback but feedback to the consultation from members would be a useful addition.  All accounts suggest that the code, including the amalgamation of the five bioregions is impractical and unworkable.

The link to the Departmental page is

There is also a link to a questionnaire to provide feedback on this page.

The assessable code which we are commenting on is

The Queensland Country Life has some good articles on the subject (link below).  PRA Chair Dale Stiller is quoted in the article.

The ABC also has a good story.

Fair Laws for Farmers Rally Brisbane August 4th

The fair laws for farmers rally will be held on Thursday 4th August with participants gathering in Queens Park adjacent to Treasury Casino Brisbane from 12pm with the march to parliament house commencing at 12.30pm.  The march co-insides with the Ekka.

The Right to say No

PRA Chair Dale Stiller made a presentation to a meeting in Chinchilla on 26th June.  His very thoughtful presentation is attached below.

PRA also made a submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Regulation in Agriculture.  Having read their draft report, it appears they have a very good grasp of the imposts of vegetation regulation although state governments are not necessarily adhering to their advice.

However they have no concept at all that the principle that no landowner should be left no worse off by resources activity is not working in practice and the principle that agricultural water should not be affected is also not embedded in resources reality.

Please find attached a file of an article by PRA printed in the Rural Weekly

PRA will be making a detailed submission on the topic to the next Round of Productivity Commission submissions due Aug 18th.  The link to the Draft Report can be found on this page.  PRA is quoted several times in the Vegetation Management section.

 Details on how to lodge a submission can be obtained here.

MERCP Regulation 2016

One of PRA’s greatest lobbying efforts was against provisions of the MERCP Bill which we considered a pro resources Bill with few protections for landowners.  Some provisions were very modestly restored by the MOLA bill.  There is now an opportunity to comment on the MERCP regulations.  We will do a submission, due by 12th August, on the regulations which are still not landowner friendly.

It is too early to know exactly what is in the regulations as we have been snowed by the requirement to do submissions and this one has just landed but we will keep you updated.

This Newsletter was just meant to be a quick update on what your Board is doing.  Rest assured that we are all working hard on your behalf.


Dale Stiller

Dale Stiller


Property Rights Australia

Phone:  07 49 214 000
Fax:       07 49271 888


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