Members newsletter 7th December 2016

7th December 2016

Breaking News-Zero Deforestation in Beef Production-Beef Sustainability

PRA has campaigned since about 2011 against the WWF inspired Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef which has Cattle Council of Australia and a Natural Resource Management Group, Fitzroy Basin Association, as members.

At their Conference in Alberta Canada on 6th October, 2016 one of their working groups had this discussion:-

“Advancing Zero Deforestation Beef Production”

Campaign vindicated.

This link shows the address by CCA representative Angus Ogilvie

We need our members to engage with this process in every forum they can including the online consultation.  Only action will prevent our cattle industry from being dragged into this global forum which plans to have no beef from cleared areas.

According to the address linked above, our sustainability committee is engaging with WWF.  I bet that not too many members of our organisation have been consulted.

From December there will be a beef sustainability consultation website for “external” and producer consultation.  Please do not leave engaging on this matter to Dale and myself.  Get on there and make your views know.  CCA are well enmeshed with the WWF Global Roundtable as is obvious from the video.

Update:  The above links have been removed from the Wild Apricot web site, I will leave them in the newsletter in case the pages are posted again.  I have attached a copy of the flyer “Advancing Zero Deforestation Beef Production” that was attached to that link.

Forestry Leases

Board member Sharon Lohse has done considerable work on this issue and has suffered some wins and some reneging on promises by Ministers.  Sharon would like to contact people in the situation of facing eviction from their forestry leases to be a National Park when their term runs out and who may be interested in working with her on the issue.  Call PRA office on 0749214000.

Trigger Maps

We have written before about the trigger maps for endangered, vulnerable or near threatened (EVNT) plants and where are known to exist or are likely to exist under Commonwealth legislation.  These areas show up as blue spots on your property maps including on the white areas of your PMAV.  As with many of these desk related maps there are inaccuracies and there are some where cultivation is included.  The Department has not publicised these areas at all-they just show up on maps that you request.

One landowner has been advised that if he wants his cultivation removed then he must get a survey done.  A survey, according to the State Government website must be done by a “suitably qualified person.”  In other words you have to put your hand in your pocket.  If you have a blue spot on your Cat X country you will need to get a survey done before clearing or give the area a hundred metre buffer.  Even single examples of a species on the EVNT list needs to be preserved according to the State Government website.

A survey is only valid for 12 months.


Joanne Rea 

Joanne Rea 

Acting Chairman

Property Rights Australia

Phone:  07 49 214 000
Fax:       07 49271 888


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