PRA Membership

Anyone who supports the objectives of PRA and would like to assist in defending the rights of property owners can join Property Rights Australia.  PRA has built a united network of individuals so that a focused, united defence can be mounted against those that seek to take our rights away.  By joining you are demonstrating your support of our objectives, and showing those that have been personally affected by actions against our rights that they are not fighting alone.

Memberships are annual and are renewed on 31st December for the following year.

How to Join

Joining PRA is as simple as following the above “Online PRA Membership Application” link, completing the application and selecting payment method.

Alternatively, you can download the membership form (Found Here).  Complete the application and forward to PRA with payment for your annual membership.  Payment can be made via cheque, money order, credit card (Bankcard, MasterCard or Visa), or by direct debit.  Please contact our office for bank details.

Membership Fees

PRA membership fees will be administered by the objectives and used to continue the establishment of the association, to promote further memberships, and to promote the objectives of PRA.

There are two classes of membership, being business membership and associate membership. Membership fees are outlined on the following table and are renewed on the 31st December each year:

Annual Business Memberships (GST Inclusive)

Small Enterprise Gross Income < $250,000 $189.00
Medium Enterprise Gross Income $250,000- $1,000,000 $420.00
Large Enterprise Gross Income > $1,000,000 $814.00
Corporate Enterprise $1310.00

Annual Associate Memberships (GST Inclusive)

Associate Open to individuals who support the objectives of PRA
