Beattie and Rudd set up backflip on Council amalgamations

15th June 2007A groundswell of pressure by rural Queenslanders could forge a late Labor backdown on Council amalgamations.

Nationals Senator for Queensland, Ron Boswell, said two events this week point to an imminent backflip by Premier Beattie – the open letter advertisements in print media where Federal Labor leader, Kevin Rudd urges the Premier to change his mind, and Mr Beattie’s sudden call up of rural mayors to a meeting early next week.

Senator Boswell said if Labor were currently toying with regional Queensland communities for the sake of a political set-up, they would not be treated well at the ballot box for the Federal election expected before the end of the year.

“Rural and regional Queenslanders will see right through any delay tactics or staged plan for a backdown,” Senator Boswell said.

“They will punish Labor for playing games with their livelihoods and lifestyles.

“If Mr Beattie does not back down fully, the fight against forced amalgamations will continue at the grass roots level, and the poor reflection on Kevin Rudd’s Labor leadership after backing a reversal of policy would expose a fatal flaw to the Australian voting public.”

SOURCE: Queensland Country Life.

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