Members’ Newsletter 15th September

Members’ Newsletter

15th September 2015

Conference Review by Joanne Rea

The reports from the PRA conference were all positive with even some of the guest speakers commenting that every speaker was interesting over a broad range of topics.

Credit needs to go to Board member Kerry for a major part of the organisation and Tricia for photographs and publicity.  The Chairman of course always has a myriad of details to take care of and all Board members made contributions with Ashley chairing sessions during the day.

Two of our Conference speakers, David Kempton and Emma Robinson spoke on leasehold land tenure and the very real challenges of converting some lots to freehold.  Indigenous Land Use Agreements can often be a stumbling block and it is worth checking this aspect before spending money on other issues.

One of our sponsors, Rory Ross from Shine Lawyers in a very brief statement warned landowners against agreeing to “gas wells” as opposed to “coal seam gas wells.”

We had landowners with problems with Government, an underground water expert and a Barrier Reef expert.

Bindaree Beef were also sponsors and gave an outline of the future of the market.

The annual conference is a major commitment and can only be successful if members support it.

Life membership to Ron & Lorna Bahnisch

Doris & Ashley McKay presenting life Membership to Ron & Lorna Bahnisch with Chairman Dale Stiller

Conference YouTube videos of presentations

Not all of the speaker’s presentations have been edited and published yet but these are the ones available

Tom Crothers – Underground Water, the Galilee Basin & the Water Act.

Dr Walter Starck – Reef Realities Part 1-

Dr Walter Starck – Reef Realities – Part 2 –

David Kempton – Freeholding and native title –

Emma Robinson – Leasehold Tenure and Families in Agriculture –

Meetings with Politicians

PRA board members over recent months have met with various Qld State politicians and policy advisors.  Monday week ago board members Dale, Kerry and Joanne along with member John Burnett met with opposition leader Lawrence Springborg.  We explained our policy positions, particularly with respect to resources and water policy and associated services.  We felt that we got a more than fair hearing.


Last week PRA sent in a submission to the Federal, Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Standing) Bill 2015.  This is the repeal of section 487 which is in response of an environmental group being successful in their Federal Court Challenge against the federal approval for the Adani coal mine project.

PRA stated in this submission that there no clear pathway for landowners directly impacted, near neighbours and local communities a simple and cost effective route to establish “standing” as a “person who is aggrieved by a decision.”  PRA recommended legislative clarification of the “standing” of farmers and landowners if Section 487 of the EPBC Act is repealed.

Upcoming State Inquiries are:

Commercial fishing net ban areas

The Queensland government removing commercial fishing families with the imposition of net free zones defies logic.  These fishermen provide fresh fish to local fish shops and restaurants.  With this product unavailable we will be importing even more seafood.  The fishermen have been offered poor compensation; supporting industries and facilities that receive, process or sell the product no compensation at all.

The Queensland Seafood Industry Association points to heavy handed actions by the Qld Minister for agriculture, claytons consultation, intimidation and that government has produced no evidence of due diligence checks of the effects of the introduction of net free zones.

How the removal of the commercial fishermen from these areas has been mismanaged by this government does not provide any confidence for all other primary industries that policy will be reached on a scientific basis, farmers/ fishers or foresters will be properly consulted or treated fairly by this current government.


Dale Stiller

Dale Stiller, Chairman

Property Rights Australia

Phone:  07 49213430
Fax:       07 49213870


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