PRA Media Release Beattie knows best? Again!

18th April 2007

Beattie believes he knows best for all of us, more ‘Big Brother’, ‘more big Government’.
Why?  Beattie’s pledge to restructure and amalgamate Shires, no matter what Shire Councils and rate payers believe.  This action is taken when the Shires are working and are midway through their own review – what a waste!
This is not about efficiency; it is about politics, power & control.  This brings to mind former Premier Wayne Goss and his right hand advisor Prime Minister aspirant Kevin Rudd.  These two set out to cut back land owners influence in Local Government.
Beattie’s plan is to force smaller Shires with larger populated regional centres.  A certain outcome will be a loss of influence to the smaller, more remote areas.
The Government established Commission will make recommendations to the Government by 1st August.  What influence can we expect to come from smaller, remote Shire areas?  Who are important people on the Commission?
Property Rights Australia Chairman John Purcell said “Beattie got one thing right in stating ‘Queensland is a very different place’ it sure is under the Beattie Government – certainly for the worse.

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