Media Release (Speakers List, Mick Harrington, Margaret Stevenson, Judy Plath and Jim Willmott)

Speak to anyone living and working in rural or regional Australia and there is no doubt that many people feel Federal and State government policies have been detrimental to the viability of property owners, famers, and the agriculture sector.

According to Property Rights Australia (PRA) Chairman, Jim Wilmott, rural and regional communities are at the mercy of political ideology which is rarely backed by robust science.

Property Rights Australia (PRA) is an advocacy group focused on the ongoing erosion of private property rights across rural and regional communities.

Mr Willmott believes the many fragmented sectors that sit under the broad umbrella of farming, fishing and forestry are by themselves sitting ducks for government overreach. “The lessons need to be learnt quickly and together a more united front developed in order build strength against poor policy,” said Mr Willmott.

“The PRA’s June 8 2024 conference will bring presenters from the forestry and commercial fishing sectors, the two critical primary industries which have suffered greatly from poorly conceived government policy. These presentations look towards future improvements in advocacy; a subject highly relevant to horticulturists, irrigators, broadacre farmers and all agricultural sectors,” continued Mr Willmott.

“We will also showcase the learnings from our ongoing fight to achieve better policy relating to the roll out of renewable energy infrastructure,” said Mr Wilmott.

According to Mr Wilmott, the lock out of commercial fishing in the Great Sandy Marine Park is an example of overreach of the State government using environmental impacts as a smokescreen to shut down commercial fishing, ruin families and undermine food production. These issues will be discussed by Margaret Stevenson, local commercial fishing advocate.

“Ultimately the consumer suffers from the Queensland government’s ill-conceived policy regarding fishing” said Mr Wilmott “Aussie families will soon be paying exorbitant prices for hard to find local seafood or will be forced to consume imported fish”.

Another example provided by Mr Willmott is the unfolding destruction of Victorian timber communities from the ending of native timber harvesting. Special guest speakers at the conference from Victoria will be Mick Harrington of Forest & Wood Communities Australia.

The PRA conference is open to anyone concerned about their property rights and the future of rural and regional communities. The conference will feature guest speakers from the fishing, forestry and cropping sector and will be held on Saturday 8 June 2024 at Bargara, near Bundaberg. Visit the PRA website to register for the conference: Conference Registration

Jim Willmott | PRA Chairman | M: 0439 451 473 | E: