Land Valuation System Must Go

27th February 2006

Property Rights Australia today calls for a total overhaul of Queensland’s rural land valuations system.

PRA Chairman John Purcell said “Irrespective of today’s latest announcement on land valuations the system of valuations on leasehold land and freehold land is flawed, outdated and exploited by the Beattie Government.”

The Government provides no contribution or improvement costs on rural land, this contrasts starkly when compared to city properties.

There is no transparency to property valuations; in fact the system is incestuous in that land rentals raised go directly to the Government via the Department of Natural Resources. The State and Federal Governments both directly benefit from high land values; in fact the Federal Government passes large sums to Queensland from all sorts of taxes including GST.

Mr Purcell continued:

  1. Valuations must be taken out of DNR and re-established as a stand alone entity
  2. Valuation procedures must be open and transparent
  3. Calculations must be based on a wider platform compared to the current Departmental selected property sales
  4. Sales must be more closely analysed; for example to a neighbouring property or where a large pastoral company buys to fit their geographical strategic plan
  5. All objectors must have the right to attend a valuation conference
  6. Valuations must be objective and include property inspections
  7. Desk top valuations must cease, no more capital city decisions from the air conditioned office
  8. Annual valuation adjustments must stop; their only function is to boost Government income

For further information contact: John Purcell – Chairman
Property Rights Australia
Tel: (07) 4938 9135
Fax: (07) 4938 9171

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