Members’ Newsletter 23-04-09

23rd April 2009
23 April 2009
Dear Members
Please read Peter Mahony’s “Movement update.”  PRA members, including PRA Vice-Chairman Ron Bahnisch, have attended the meetings both at Clermont and at Rockhampton and I assume Theodore.  Ron’s recent Report to the Board speaks very highly of Peter Mahony and the meetings—well done.
Today’s Queensland Country Life carries a PRA advertisement promoting our Beef Week OPEN MEETING in Rockhampton on Friday, 8th May, commencing at 2:00 pm.  You will note we have invited Premier Bligh—no response as yet.
The Rockhampton meeting is all-important, Bligh or no Bligh.  Please make every effort to attend.  The situation is serious and requires immediate response.  Bring your mates.
Best wishes to you all
John Purcell
John Purcell, Chairman
Property Rights Australia Inc
Phone:  07 49213430
Fax:       07 49213870
NOTE:  Peter Mahony is a young man of 33 years with a rural background.  Originating from Blackall he purchased an 11,000 acre block at Theodore, has a wife Nikki and four young children.  He and his sister operate a consultancy business in both Theodore and Emerald and have been specialising in PMAV for property owners, and therefore, knows what he is talking about.
Restless Souls,
It has been one week since the meeting/rally in Clermont, two days since the meeting in Rockhampton and couple of weeks since Theodore. There has been a climate of fear and uncertainty hanging over agriculture that is steadily turning to one of grim determination to throw all we have into this fight that has to be won. Over the last few weeks I have seen a momentum building that has been long absent from agriculture and a unity of purpose that has been non-existent in the past.
At Clermont we called for a united front from our agricultural lobby groups; a call reiterated at Rockhampton and call they have heard loud and clear. The QFF, Agforce, PRA, ABA and CCA are certainly in agreeance that these proposed new laws regarding regrowth, wild rivers and reef runoff are purely driven by politics and have no economic, ecological or environmental benefit for the state compared to the status before the introduction of these laws. These political lobby groups have an integral, ongoing role in turning the tide on this environmental debate. As members I urge you to keep pressure on them to throw all they can at this issue.
In the meantime there are those among you who have started talking to contacts in urbane areas, writing letters and coming up with constructive ideas. There is a core group of those people I described as energetic and focussed who are helping me to construct the nuts and bolts of this movement; the secure fund with which to gather financial support, the journalistic talent to start crafting our tale and the creative ideas to fuel the energy. Again I say that your support is critical in talent and finance. By the end of next week this movement will have a name, a central contact point, how to contribute money and some even clearer objectives spelt out in black and white.
We fully intend to continue the momentum at Roma next week and Beef week in Rocky the week following.
In the meantime there are several things we need from you. Firstly you can write directly to the Premier at . I have it on good authority that letters from the wives, mothers and girlfriends among you are looked on favourably. Again I would suggest that we hold the themes that this affects me, my family and my livelihood and that these laws have no positive economic, ecological or environmental benefit.
Secondly we are getting requests from media outlets for footage and stories of people near to Brisbane and Rockhampton. Bearing in mind that the media have a limited budget and hate to have to drive more than about half an hour out of town we need some good contacts close to these cities. If you know people who present well and may have a good story near the cities then please let me know.
As a last note I have video from the Clermont meeting which had hoped to post by Tuesday night. All ready to go except for some royalty issues with music but as soon as I can I will let you know about it. Feel free also to send this onto people who may not be on the list and who may be interested in keeping up to date.

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