Professor Bob Carter on Emissions Trading Scheme

8th October 2009



“The erosion of private property rights is the single biggest issue

facing the rural community. It creates uncertainty, stifles investment,

job creation and threatens incomes and service delivery.”

Members’ Newsletter

8th October 2009

Vegetation Management

The tabled new Vegetation Management Plan has to be treated with extreme caution. Property Rights Australia endorses everything

said by Jeff Seeney in an interview on the Qld Country Hour yesterday.

You can hear this at

Results of the moratorium -the emotional trauma imposed, the economic dislocation and the hiatus in land sales

with the prospect of losses of value cannot be calculated

All this, to get green preferences for Labor in ten seats in Brisbane.

The devil will be in the detail.

Before the original act was debated in parliament, Premier Beattie and Minister Robertson made hand on their

hearts promises that regrowth would be regrowth forever. While the bill was being debated, a public servant

intervened and inserted the provision for clawback of regrowth of 70% height, 50% cover. If this hadn’t

happened, we wouldn’t be having this argument now.

More of our rights will be up for grabs next election.

From the phone calls I get, a frenzy of activity is occurring on vegetation infringements and in the reef catchment

zone clawback is occurring already.

Originally rivers and creeks on the cadastral map were targeted. Now it seems even cattle pads seen from

satellites to be running in the right direction are included. Fifty metres has to be left untouched each side of

these watercourses.

A lady with a thousand acres of cattle land at Atherton said this will lock up 40% of their country.

Whether by omission or commission, Agforce by their statements have abandoned the interests of riparian

landowners in the reef catchment area. They and owners with regrowth other than brigalow over twenty years

are bearing the brunt of this latest attack on our rights to manage our properties.

While the greens are insisting on their full agenda they remain strangely quiet on the Traveston Dam travesty and

mine water discharge pollution in the Fitzroy River system. It has all the hallmarks of a sleazy trade-off.

Meetings about Australian Emissions Trading Bill – URGENT

If you can make it to Roma or Clermont you won’t be disappointed. Professor Carter is eminently qualified to tell

you in forensic detail, not only how bad the situation is, but why and how it has happened. Senator Barnaby

Joyce will be giving us the political context.

  • Roma Friday 9th, 7.30pm at Roma College Jubilee Hall, Timbury and Cottell St – With Professor Carter and

Senator Barnaby Joyce

  • Clermont: Saturday 10th Oct, 1.30pm at Blair Athol Hall, Collins St, off Rubyvale Road.

In Professor Bob Carter’s words “This is the worst bill presented since federation.”

Sponsored by the Australian Climate Science Coalition, Property Rights Australia and Agmates, Professor Bob

Carter, research professor from James Cook University, addressed a crowd in excess of one hundred at a meeting

in Rockhampton on Tuesday night on the subject of, “Is Man Causing Dangerous Climate Change?”

There was an even attendance from country and city with a panel of past and present eminent scientist’s peer

reviewing Professor Bob Carter’s two hour presentations in real time.

They included a formidable contingent from CQ University and retired scientists, Dr George Seifert, Dr Bill

Burrows and the surprise attendance of Dr Jennifer Marohasy, chair of the Australian Environment Foundation,

who initiated the formation of the Australian Climate Science Coalition.

The atmosphere of engagement and participation generated in the two hours of alternate lecture and questions

was most exhilarating. The academic heavy lifters present all contributed with no one disputing the science as


The upshot is that evidence has not yet been discovered to support man made dangerous global warming theory

and the Emissions Bill, “the worst presented since federation”, will wreck the economy.

All this, to make a token gesture of good faith to the rest of the world before Copenhagen.

Senator Boswell was in Central Qld a few days ago stating that this area, exposed to coal exports and the

cattle industry (three meatworks) will be the most affected by the ETS. Coincidentally, the Executive

Director of the Australian Coal Association was in town yesterday saying much the same thing.

Everyone will be affected to a greater or lesser degree. Penny Wong is presently in Central Qld shoring

up the government’s position.

Professor Carter got front page treatment in the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin on Wednesday and a

lengthy free to air interview at 6.45am on the local commercial radio station, 4RO.


Ron Bahnisch

Ron Bahnisch, Chairman

Property Rights Australia Inc

Phone: 07 49213430

Mobile: 0409 334211

Fax: 07 49213870



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