Who has control of your land?

15th June 2005

John Purcell, Chairman of “Property Rights Australia”, will be hosting a meeting with other board members to discuss issues relating to your rights as a property owner.

If you own property large or small with the potential for development you need to attend this meeting.  Do you really own the rights to the land you own?


You no longer have the rights to clear trees, lantana or scrub on your land.
(Vegetation Management Act)


You no longer have the rights to put a dam or bore on your land without the necessary government licenses.  (Water Act 2000, Section 19)

The Premier of the state of Queensland has different ideas for your land.  The Queensland Government has resumed your rights to the control, flow and use of water on your freehold land.

The “Property Rights Australia” Trust Fund has been created to fund a HIGH COURT action against the Queensland State Government.  We are seeking your assistance in petitioning the courts for the return of your exclusive rights to property you have paid for.

Come to a meeting about your land.

Proserpine – 20 June 2005 – RSL – 2.00 pm
Sarina – 30 June 2005 – Show Grounds – 1.00pm

Tell your neighbour – share a car – bring a friend
For further information contact: John Purcell, Chairman PRA
Tel:  07 4938 9135 Fax:  07 4938 9171 Email:  purcell.family@bigpond.com

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